On World Kindness Day, Daps Magic shared the story of cast member Walker Williams. He is making a difference not just on stage at Disneyland, but also backstage through acts of kindness. In fact, it is a personal mission for him. Today we go further in depth on what exactly Walker is doing to make a difference with his Five Keys Tree in a recent interview Daps Magic had with him. In this interview he talks about the Five Keys Tree, his life at Disney, and the importance of kindness.

What is the Five Keys Tree exactly for those who aren’t Disney Cast Members?
It’s a simple visual representation of Disneyland Resort Cast Members creating magic for one another. It reminds us why we chose Disney and continue to come to work every day. An opportunity for us to create that same magic we provide to our Guests daily. Walt always said, “You need people to make the dream a reality.”
How did you come up with the idea for the Five Keys Tree?
It was a simple idea that spoke volumes of motivation and inspiration to which every walk of life could relate.
What originally made you want to work at Disney?
The nostalgia of the brand that Walt Disney always inspired and motivated me, and I could make an impact in the lives of others. I left work daily knowing that I continuously made someone’s day through a simple act of kindness selflessly.
What do you enjoy most about working at Disney?
I find opportunities to practically create magic of my own by selflessly thinking of others on how to make their day better. To encourage and inspire others around me by meeting others where they are currently in life.
Could you share briefly about the importance of kindness from one person in making a difference?
As individuals, we all live through our own experiences. However, to remember where you once came from (that humble beginning). We might not fully understand someone else’s story, but take time to listen, comprehend, and selflessly partner with them to see how you can influence their personal growth.
Although you might come from a different upbringing, it’s an opportunity to educate yourself about someone else’s life. Learning never stops the opportunity to establish more allyship, patience, support, and unity. Life is more meaningful when we as individuals can come together, let our guards down, and stand together as one in kindness.
It’s vital to remember to treat others with that same genuine warmth you’d like to receive from others. To get respected, you must give respect first, never expect it. As someone with Autism, I always told myself, “Be the friend I wish I had.” Also, “people will remember you by how you made them feel with your presence. It’s a simple gesture that can turn someone’s life around in ways you never imagined”.
As we celebrate the holiday season, kindness even more important than ever. While it is a season of celebration, it can also be a season of struggle for many. Walker continues to demonstrate kindness on a daily basis all year round. His story is a wonderful guide how we can as Disney fans, guests, cast members, relatives, or just people in general, can be the friend we wish we had and make the world a better place one encounter (or one idea) at a time.