The transformation of Downtown Disney District continues to move along at a rapid pace. This comes as no surprise after the announcement this week that the new stage and lawn area will be opening on the west end of Downtown Disney District by the end of the year. Along with announcing the opening, new dining establishments that will be coming to Downtown Disney District were also announced. None of that is ready yet, however.
As things continue to move in the right direction, Daps Magic continues to document the transformation as it happens. Team member Angela stopped by the Disneyland Resort this last weekend to check out the progress being made on Downtown Disney District. Check out what she saw this week in the video and photos below!

The transformation of Downtown Disney District at the Disneyland Resort is expected to be completed by the holidays in 2024. Daps Magic will continue to follow this story and provide updates throughout the process. To see all of the construction updates that Daps Magic has documented through this transformation progress, visit the GUIDES page on Daps Magic. It shows both these construction updates, the weekly Refurbishment Report, and other information!
What do you think of the progress being made on Downtown Disney District’s transformation at the Disneyland Resort? What are you most excited about? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!