Explore Disney Animation’s Top-Secret Treasure Trove with Disney legend Don Hahn

Disney Legend Don Hahn has released a series of videos which he hosts and directs for Disney Drop-In. Over the course of two videos, Hahn gives a look at the Disney Animation Research Library. This is where Disney preserves over 60 million pieces of artwork from the history of Walt Disney Animation Studios so that they can be made available for today’s filmmakers as inspiration.

The Disney Animation Research Library is housed in a secret location and is not available for the general public to visit. However, Don Hahn is not the general public and was granted access to the facility. He took cameras to film these videos and help Disney Vacation Club celebrate the 100th anniversary of The Walt Disney Company and also the animation studio that started it all.

Explore Disney Animation’s Top-Secret Treasure Trove: Part 1 | Disney Files On Demand

Explore Disney Animation’s Top-Secret Treasure Trove: Part 2 | Disney Files On Demand

The videos were both directed and hosted by Don Hahn and is produced by Disney Files Magazine Editor Ryan March. It was made for Disney Vacation Club members. It was made for Disney Vacation Club Members and a 26-minute film encompassing parts 1 and 2 are on the Disney Files On Demand playlist on YouTube as well.

Don Hahn is a Disney Legend and behind films like Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, and other animated and live action films. He has also created documentaries like Waking Sleeping Beauty and has written books like Alchemy of Animation. He is also an executive producer for DisneyNature films.