This week, Deadline announced that Marvel had cast their newest leading lady. Iman Vellani will be playing the title role in the “Ms. Marvel” series for the Disney+ streaming service.
Vellani is a newcomer to Hollywood but that doesn’t take away from her talents. Author G. Willow Wilson commented on this news by saying Iman Vellani is “the real deal.” While she will be making her debut on the Disney+ streaming service, Kevin Feige has said that she will also be appearing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the future.
Ms. Marvel came to the comic scene in 2014 as Marvel’s first Muslim character to star in her own title. Kamala Khan is a Pakistani-American teen who lives in New Jersey. Khan idolizes Captain Marvel and leans into her shapeshifting abilities after she finds out she has the inhuman gene.
Are you looking forward to Iman Vellani’s debut on the Disney+ streaming service? Have you read the Ms. Marvel comic? Be sure to connect with us on Twitter and Facebook to let us know what you think!