Fire Ignites Behind Main Street, USA at Disneyland

Guests at Disneyland got an unexpected experience tonight when power went out and a fire appeared behind Main Street, USA. This is an area between Main Street, USA and The Jungle Cruise in Adventureland.

The fire was reported shortly after 6:00 PM. A fire crew arrived and put it out before other units were able to arrive. While the park wasn’t closed, guests were kept away from any area that was close to the fire in an abundance of caution. As guessed were moved past the area they posted photos and videos of the incident on social media.

There were no injuries reported from the blaze. Local media outlets are also reporting that no serious damage was done by the fire either. At this point, it is unknown how the fire began.

Power also went out tonight at Disneyland, presumably because of the fire as well. Guests on social media commended Disneyland cast members for keeping things safe, calm, and orderly.

Disneyland always keeps the safety of its guests and cast members a top priority. Areas around the blaze were closed off for the safety of everyone in the area, including the East side of Adventureland, Jolly Holiday Bakery, and also the Golden Horseshoe and Mercantile in Frontierland.

DAPS MAGIC will continue to update this story if there any new pertinent information becomes available.