The Star Wars Holiday Special

Star Wars Holiday Special

The holidays are upon us! It is a time of holiday treats, beverages, friends and family, and of course holiday specials! Loved ones sit together to watch classics like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, Elf and so many more. However, there is another program that should be watched at least ONCE during the holidays. This is especially true for Star Wars fans. The Star Wars Holiday Special is a campy classic that is perfect to watch this time of year.

The Star Wars Holiday Special was a made-for-TV special that was released in 1978.  Most of the story takes place on Chewbacca’s home planet of Kashyyyk. In the program, Chewbacca and Han visit Chewie’s home planet and home. Because they are part of the Rebellion, there are of course some Imperial issues. Because it is a holiday special, there are also musical numbers, celebrity cameos, and comedy routines. One of the more popular appearances is that of Bea Arthur.

The Star Wars Holiday Special was not beloved by George Lucas. Odds are that it won’t appear on television of Disney+ any time soon… or ever. Thankfully, it lives on through the help of youtube! Because of that, we can share it with you today. So, grab some popcorn and a drink and prepare for a very interesting viewing experience of this holiday special!

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What did you think of the Star Wars Holiday Special? Had you seen it before? Share your personal reviews of it below!