Game of Thrones Duo Behind Next Star Wars Movie Bob Iger Confirms

This week Bob Iger confirmed that the next installment of Star Wars will be helmed by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, the duo behind Game of Thrones. The announcement came while Iger was speaking at the MoffetNathanson Media & Communications Summit. The movie will be arriving in theaters in December of 2022.

We did a deal with David Benioff and D.B Weiss, who are famous for Game of Thrones, and the next movie that we release will be theirs,” Iger said. “And we’re not saying anything more about that.

However, that isn’t all that is coming out of the world of Star Wars. When Disney+ arrives later this year it will debut The Mandalorian. This will be followed by a prequel to Rogue One. Iger also appeared to announce that a third series is in the works that will arrive in 2022 on the streaming platform.

“In the interim, we are producing two live-action Star Wars series for Disney+. One of them is called The Mandalorian, which is being supervised by Jon Favreau, and the other one is a bit of a prequel to Rogue One. My guess is there will probably be one more, at least one more, live-action series that we produce for Disney+, meaning a Star Wars series, before we release the next film.”

During his comments, he also addressed the three-year gap between Star Wars movies.

“[We thought] it would be smart for us to take a bit of a hiatus while we figure out what’s next. Now, we’re not going to wait until [The Rise of Skywalker] is released and start figuring it out, we’re actually hard at work doing that already,” Iger said. “The conclusion that we reached was that three years was the proper amount of time to not only take a breather and reset, but to really gear up for the next film’s release.”

This news isn’t completely surprising. Last year it was announced that Benioff and Weiss would be coming up with a new Star Wars trilogy that isn’t connected to the Skywalker Saga. This could be the first installment of that trilogy, assuming that nothing has changed. Currently, there are supposed to be new Star Wars films every other year starting in 2022 as they oscillate between the new Avatar films during the month of December through 2027.

What do you think about this being the next step for Star Wars movies? Does the recent Game of Thrones controversies worry you at all about their ability to bring the world of Star Wars to life in a new trilogy? Share your thoughts in the comments below!