AVENGERS: ENDGAME – Spoiler Filled Review

AVENGERS: ENDGAME is taking the world by storm. This newest movie in the MCU has the Avengers trying to save the world they love from Thanos. As is always the case, nothing is as simple or as easy as it should be. AVENGERS: ENDGAME is a film that will be watched and re-watched, analyzed and re-analyzed, and then hopefully released on Digital Download/Blu-Ray with a ton of bonus features that answers questions. Until that day arrives though, it’ll be left to the viewers to analyze and discuss this movie.

On the opening night of AVENGERS: ENDGAME the geeks of GEEKS CORNER sat in the studio to discuss the movie. There was a spoiler-free review filmed live followed by a spoiler-filled live analysis. To read DAPS MAGIC’s spoiler-free review and watch the video, check out this post. If instead, you would like to watch our spoiler-filled analysis, watch the following video. You have been warned though, THERE ARE SPOILERS IN THIS VIDEO! In fact, we are so concerned about spoilers for this movie that we are not even going to type up the general points made in this video in the off chance that it shows up in someone’s RSS feed or random search. If you watch this video, you have now been warned! Also, feel free to post your spoiler-filled thoughts in the comments below. We will hope nobody scrolls that far that doesn’t want spoilers!


What did you think of AVENGERS: ENDGAME? What was your favorite part? What did you dislike? On a scale from 1-10, how would you rate it? Share your thoughts in the comments below!