Road Trip

A Northern California Road Trip | Pixar, Dad Jokes, & More

We have had a truly wonderful weekend! We took a road trip up to Northern California for a Reliv conference and had incredible adventures along the way!

On Thursday, we made the long journey from Orange County to San Francisco. Mr. DAPs kept the destination a surprise and took us to Pier 39. We had a wonderful night exploring the city and, of course, eating. Between a delicious dinner and dessert, we were full and happy by the time we got to Concord!

On Friday, we had time in the morning, so we made a stop to see the outside of Pixar. After taking some photos with the sign, we head off to Fenton’s for lunch. If that sounds familiar, it is where Russel and Carl go to eat ice cream at the end of Up! After lunch, magic truly happened when we had the opportunity to see inside the Pixar campus. This was one of my favorite moments of the weekend and something I will always remember!

On Saturday, we spent a wonderful day at the conference learning about everything that is coming with Reliv. We ended the day with pizza with the CEO and president of the company, who reminded us “If you’re not having fun, you’re done!”

Sunday brought even more adventures. We took a trip to see Yoda and obviously had to stop at the Walt Disney Family Museum. We are saving the real tour for when we get to go with Bailey, but we had plenty of fun exploring the gift shop. When we started our journey home, Mr. DAPs got to scare off some people from breaking into our van while we ate lunch. This, of course, prompted my favorite quote of the trip, “no one messes with my minivan”. Thankfully the rest of the trip was safe and we made it back to Orange County in one piece! Check out the whole video to see all of our adventures first hand!

What was your favorite part of our adventure? Connect with us on Twitter and Facebook to let us know! We’ll see you on the next adventure!

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