At this point, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is stuffed to the gills with unique and interesting characters. Without fail, every capital “g” Geek can and will find something to identify with and love.
As Geeks ourselves, a favorite activity has always been a game of “who would you rather,” taking the fantastical characters from our fandoms, and weighing them against more mundane situations to discover our preferences. In that spirit, here are our expert picks from the MCU, in relation to some less-than-super scenarios. Take a read, then use the hashtag #GeeksCorner on Twitter to share your picks with us!
Which MCU character would you…
…take an extended road trip with?
Mr. DAPs: Agent Coulson obviously! He knows a little bit about everything and knows people everywhere. It’s like having a walking swiss army knife with you! And, he’s awesome!
Caitie: Peter Parker! We would totally bond over memes.
Cameron: Peter Quill. Good conversation, good tunes, and I assume he would insist on driving.

…choose to aid you in a fight?
Mr. DAPs: Captain America. Always good to have a good guy with principle on your side. That, and he isn’t going to give up!
Caitie: Rocket Raccoon. He would win while making snarky comments. My favorite.
Cameron: I mean, Thanos? If he’s on my side, why not?
…work a service-industry job alongside?
Mr. DAPs: Doctor Strange. I’d like to think he could potentially make life easier.
Caitie: Ant-Man. He gets it, man.
Cameron: Eitri the Forgemaster. Things would get done, son.
…have take you on a date?
Mr. DAPs: Peggy Carter. She’s smart and a world-changer! She also is down to earth.
Caitie: Steve Rogers. The man is a gentleman!
Cameron: The Collector. I’d let him treat me right.

…choose as a partner for a trivia game?
Mr. DAPs: Definitely Tony Stark/Iron Man. He’s not only smart but we’d definitely win one way or another… and it’d be fun!
Caitie: Dr. Strange. He’s totally that guy that knows everything and doesn’t let you forget it.
Cameron: Arnim Zola (the Hydra dude who got put in the computer). I assume he has access to Google.
Mr. DAPs: I reject the premise of this question.
Caitie: Loki. He just has one of those faces. My bad.
Cameron: Surtur, the fire demon from Thor: Ragnarok. I just think it’d be comical.
…share an adult beverage with?
Mr. DAPs: Agent Coulson would have a ton of stories to tell!
Caitie: Tony Stark! I don’t have particularly good reasoning, just feel like he would have wisdom to share.
Cameron: Thor, son of Odin Allfather, leader of the people of Asgard, god of thunder, protector of Midgard, mightiest Avenger, worthy of his name.

…spend a day at Disneyland with?
Mr. DAPs: I feel like a day at Disneyland with Ant-Man would be a very humorous day.
Caitie: Shuri! I may not be able to take her to Coachella but I would gladly take her to meet the mouse.
Cameron: Thor, son of Odin Allfather, leader of the people of Asgard, god of thunder, protector of Midgard, mightiest Avenger, worthy of his name.
…be willing to offer a sizable monetary loan?
Mr. DAPs: Definitely Steve Rogers/Captain America. You know he’d pay it back on principle.
Caitie: Look, I don’t know Carol Danvers, but she can take my money.
Cameron: Ant Man. I’d assume it’s for his daughter, and ant-themed box mazes.

…trust to make you a surprise dinner?
Mr. DAPs: I’m betting Doctor Strange could concoct pretty much whatever my stomach desired so he is a good choice!
Caitie: Bruce Banner! He knows enough about science to make food work.
Cameron: Agent Coulson as strong frittata-making energy.
…most like to see with the Muppets?
Mr. DAPs: Spider-Man would be amazing with The Muppets!
Caitie: Groot! I don’t need to explain.
Cameron: Okoye. It would be hilarious.
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