Sunday Spotlight: Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular

I’m a huge Indiana Jones fan. From the first time I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark, I was hooked. The movies are full of adventure and possibility. They sit on the edge of plausibility and are full of action and adventure. As a history geek growing up, the stories of Indiana Jones connected with the legends I had read in books growing up.

At Disney’s Hollywood Studios there is an Indiana Jones show. Before I had ever visited Walt Disney World, I knew of this show. When I finally had the opportunity to see it, I was stoked. This wasn’t just a stage show with an Indiana Jones story. Instead, it was a behind the scenes look at how the stunts of the movies are put together. In my head, this was even better! It added to my respect for the stunts seen in the movie. I’ve also found myself enjoying the show more and more as I’ve seen it multiple times. It has humor, action, and some pretty impressive effects!

Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular


Have you seen the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular? What did you think of it? What’s your favorite part? Let us know in the comments below!