Mickey's Soundsational Parade Auditions Indicate Future Return of Parade to Disneyland Resort

Mickey’s Soundsational Parade Auditions Indicate Future Return of Parade to Disneyland Resort

The Disneyland Resort appears to be bringing back Mickey’s Soundsational Parade. Three audition opportunities are currently being listed on DisneyAuditions.com for the parade. The opportunities are on September 15th and 16th. Details can be found here with a search for “Soundsational.” This includes details about what Disney is looking for with each opportunity.

Mickey's Soundsational Parade Audition Listing

The parade features Mickey Mouse and the gang as make percussive music through the Disneyland Resort. It first arrived at the Disneyland Resort in 2011. During the media event that introduced the parade, a “flash mob” was held on Main Street, USA.

Mickey’s Soundsational Parade has quite the collection of Disney characters from many different eras. This includes characters from the following movies:

  • The Little Mermaid
  • The Three Caballeros
  • The Lion King
  • The Princess and the Frog
  • Aladdin
  • Peter Pan
  • Mary Poppins

Currently, Pixar Play Parade is being performed along the parade route at Disneyland. Disney hasn’t officially announced the return of Mickey’s Soundsational Parade. However, with the auditions being posted for the parade it seems fairly certain that it will be returning. Stay tuned to DAPS MAGIC for further updates on this story. As soon as something is officially announced, it will be shared here.

What do you think about the potential return of Mickey’s Soundsational Parade to the Disneyland Resort? What is your favorite part of the parade? Let us know in the comments below!