Animazement – The Musical was a show that was previously performed at the Fantasyland Theater. This was a fan favorite for several years at Disneyland before its final performance on October 28, 2001. The show featured musical moments from Disney’s The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Lion King, Pocahontas, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
The show began with four animators who were working on four large paintings of Disney as they sing the opening number. Animazement – the Musical opened at Disneyland in 1998 with the new original song It Starts with a Sketch. This song was written by Alan Menken for the show. Watch the show below and remember the magic that it brought to the Fantasyland Theater:
What is your favorite part of Animazement? What is your favorite show that has been presented at the Fantasyland Theater? Let us know in the comments below!