On Thursday, The Walt Disney Company elected Mary T. Barra to the Board of Directors. Barra, the Chairman and CEO of General Motors Company, is now the 12th member of the group, joining the likes of Jack Dorsey (CEO of Twitter), Sheryl Sandberg (COO of Facebook), and Mark Parker (CEO of Nike).
At GM, Ms. Barra strives for quality, making sure that the customer is always the main focal point of everything the company does. This mentality most likely drew Disney Chairman and CEO Bob Iger to add her to this illustrious group. Iger and Barra had previously been connected as one-time members of the White House’s strategic and policy forum.
From the company website, the mission statement reads, “The Walt Disney Company’s Board of Directors hail from renowned global organizations and industries, bringing a diverse range of knowledge, perspective and experience to guide and drive long-term value to the company.”