Rivers of America Construction & Summer of Heroes Showcase – Disneyland Update

Summer started at Disneyland well over two weeks ago, but Disneyland is still rolling out more.

Rivers of America Construction

Since Tom Sawyer Island has opened there are a lot of views of the construction for Disneyland Railroad and Rivers of America.  Much of the rockwork is in place for the classic attractions.  But, there is still a lot of work on track and show scenes for them.

You can see the the train trestle almost done.  But, crews were still seen finishing up when the island opened.

Along the Rivers on the Island side were creature returns that were easily seen.  The Indian village is in full view from the Island, though it was fenced off for construction.  That means that much of that is still being worked on before the reopening.

It’s a nice time to get a preview of these areas to whet the appetite.

Summer of Heroes Showcase

Though it was announced, this new montage movie was quietly opened at the Sunset Showcase Theater.  In the waiting area there are four costumes and props of Avengers.  Black Widow, Captain America, Thor, and Hawkeye costumes are featured in these glass cases.

The theater itself makes use of screens that line the walls.  Before the film begins there are ethereal space scenes that play.  When the film rolls those are used for extended effects in certain scenes.

The movie doesn’t show anything new regarding Marvel Cinematic Universe movies.  I’d put it as an intro to the Marvel Studios franchise.  And, it’s a great intro to the Summer of Heroes event that happens outside.

Summer Heat

With summer upon Southern California, the parks have been heating up in the sun.  It’s a good time to review what to do when it’s too hot.

Next Week & MaxPass?

We’ll be back next week with another update.  Supposedly MaxPass procedures will start to roll out this week.  We’ll be sure to have an update on that if it’s the case.

In the meantime, what do you think of the Summer of Heroes Showcase and the current construction?