May the GROOT Be With You - Geeks Corner - Episode 632

May the GROOT Be With You

Welcome to Geeks Corner! This week there is a lot of Guardians of the Galaxy excitement happening. There is obviously the new Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 movie. There is also the new views of Guardians of the Galaxy – Mission: BREAKOUT! due to the walls coming down. And then… there is #TaterGroot! Thank you to our good friend William for giving us this new friend of the show. We took #TaterGroot to Disneyland on Sunday and had a LOT of fun with him! Follow the Geeks Corner instagram at to see future pictures of #TaterGroot. This last week Mr. DAPs also shared his first Sunday Spotlight and featured Figment. The geeks also talk about the DAPs Magic CHOC Walk in the Park team that you can now join. Also, if Cameron raises $5,000 for CHOC Walk he will shave his beard! Watch this week’s episode to find out all the details! We hope you enjoy this week’s episode. Find the geeks on social media as we’d love to connect with you!

Posts referenced in this week’s episode:

Let’s go to the corner!