Life lessons can come from the most random of places. Watch Disney movies and television shows long enough and something is bound to be learned. For me, one of the most important life lessons I ever learned from was Scrooge McDuck on Ducktales back in the days of the Disney Afternoon. In this series, I will share different life lessons I have learned from Disney through the years.
Smarter Not Harder
The first life lesson I would like to share comes from, as I mentioned before, Ducktales. In the episode Once Upon a Dime, Scrooge McDuck retells to his nephews how he earned his fortune. Throughout this story, Scrooge reiterates over and over… and over… that he had to learn to “work smarter not harder.” I was probably six years old when I first saw this episode and for whatever reason… the message stuck.
As the years have gone, the lesson has continued to resonate with me. There are ways to utilize technology, teamwork, and a positive attitude to create success. I’ve also found that when I’m thinking in the mindset of “smarter not harder” I tend to find solutions and strategies that I wouldn’t otherwise.
As a kid Ducktales was just one of my favorite shows. Growing older, I realize that there was a lot more behind this show than just Mr. Scrooge and the gang going on a bunch of fun adventures. There were quite a few life lessons to be learned in it. There were also a lot of historical and literary references that I now find brilliant.
Here is a clip from Once Upon a Dime that I referenced for my first Mr. DAPs Life Lesson today:
What life lessons did you learn from Ducktales? Do you like this series? Would you like to see more added to it?
Make it a GREAT day!
- Mr. DAPs