There’s magic in the air at Universal Studios Hollywood.
Beginning April 7th, 2016, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter will open the gates of Hogsmeade and beyond to the Muggle population on the west coast. As they gear up to welcome the public at large, a select few non-magical folk had the opportunity to walk, shop, and ride in the new land. Here are a few glimpses in to this amazing new place, as well as a clip of the Hogwarts Frog Choir in action (All photos and video taken with an iPhone 6s, with minimal editing for size):
Guests are greeted in to Hogsmeade at the train stationTraditional wizarding snacks and beverages abound, right down to the Butterbeer!Snow-capped rooftops, with many places to exploreCloser to the school, Hagrid’s hut overlooks open landscape, with a familiar motorcycle parked outsideThe level of detail in the window displays is astounding, as evidenced at the local owl postAcceptance letters to Hogwarts, heading out!Hogsmeade is a fully realized village, right down to the information boards at the train stationThe mighty Hogwarts Express, sitting in the stationA view inside a train car, which brings all of the students in to HogwartsHogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Cameron Jackson is a nerd, writer, and self-proclaimed, “proletariat” living in Orange County, CA. Follow his musings and see his adventures on Instagram and Twitter under the name @mr_camjaxn.
He is a co-host on Geeks Corner, and contributes to the DAPs Magic zeitgeist with his own, unique perspective. When not writing, he is a talented artist and performer, and can often be found shirking these gifts by playing games like Bioshock and Fallout.