Good Eve’, dear friends, and welcome, to this most unique and joyous Christmas episode of The Geek’s Corner. Tonight, fair gentles, we invite you to partake in a narrative of olde, as we tell the oft’ unknown tale of our dear Mr. DAPs, or, as he was known then, as the crotchety DAPsanezer Scrooge.
For you see, my friends, our Scrooge, champion of all things Geek as we know him now, was not always so. There was once a time when darkness clouded his heart, and fandoms gave him no levity.
Now, a note on the tale you are about to hear, for hearing is the key. Tonight’s production of The Geek’s Corner is to be presented as a radio play, complete with sounds to complete the audio scenery. We invite you now to take in our story with your ears allowing you to see, as we tune in, live, to the Geek’s Corner Studios.
Here are the four radio ads shared in this episode:
Amanda Jane Designs: etsy.com/shop/byAmandaJane
Pretty Little Bakers: instagram.com/prettylittlebakers/
When You Wish Upon a Hook: etsy.com/shop/WhenYouWishUponAHook
Lil Rae Cakes: instagram.com/lilraecakes
We wish you all a very merry Christmas!
Let’s go to the corner!