Season of the Force is Awake! - Geeks Corner - Episode 507

Season of the Force is Awake! – Geeks Corner – Episode 507

Season of the Force is Awake!  - Geeks Corner - Episode 507
Season of the Force is Awake! – Geeks Corner – Episode 507

Welcome to Geeks Corner! The Season of the Force is awake at Disneyland and it is time to geek out about it. Season of the Force includes Hyperspace Mountain, an update to Star Tours, Path of the Jedi, and Launch Bay. You can meet Darth Vader, Chewbacca, or Boba Fett. There is a ton of merchandise and props as well. In other geek news, the Holidays have arrived at Disneyland and the geeks debate some of the pros and cons, highs and lows, and some other random points about Christmas at the Disneyland Resort. Make sure and take our poll on what is the creepiest element of A Christmas Fantasy Parade. Finally it is time to chat about Michael Giacchino scoring the music to Zootopia and Tangled: The Musical on Disney Cruise Line. We hope you enjoy this week’s episode of Geeks Corner!

Stories referenced in this episode:

[polldaddy poll=9186198]

Let’s go to the corner!