by Jessica Prell
As the Diamond Celebrating begins at Disneyland, so does the warm weather (no really, it’s suppose to get hot soon)! Mix this weather in with all the new things to do at Disneyland (Matterhorn, Paint the Night, new fireworks…FOOD) and you get: super hot, LONG, days…can I hear a “duh”? DUH!
However, more often than not MANY people end up at the First Aid station due to heat exhaustion and dehydration- and trust me, they don’t have diamonds there. Want to avoid this not-so-pleasant experience?
5 Tips to Safely Surviving Disneyland in the Heat :
1. HYDRATE: This is pretty obvious, because well — we all know this. Stay hydrated! BUT: I’m not talking about those sugary drinks (I’m looking at you vitamin water), coffee, or sodas. Water! Drink it often. Even when you’re not “thirsty”. Not only will this fend off headaches and keep you cool- it’s just plain good for you. I suggest bringing your own bottle (no glass allowed) and refilling it with drinking fountains. This way you’re also saving money. YES you might be visiting the bathroom more- but it’s much better than visiting first aid.
BONUS TIP: Trying finding a thermal water bottle. This way you can put some ice cubes in it an it will keep you water COLD all day!
2. KEEP COOL: This one can be tough- Disneyland is outside, so how can you beat the heat? Trying wearing light layers that are light colors. Darker colors will attract more heat. Hats are great too, but be cautious because they can trap heat in your head. It also helps to take the time to go on, longer, indoor rides (Small World, Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion) to get some air conditioning. Or look for rides that have indoor lines (Indiana Jones, or Rodger Rabbit)- that way you still get a great ride, but aren’t waiting in the heat.
BONUS TIP: Bring a bandana that fits comfortable around your neck. When it gets insanely hot, wet the bandana in cool water and tie it around your neck. This trick works wonders!
3. SUNSCREEN: This will become your best friend. Sunburns are never fun, and serious ones can even put you in the ER (I’ve seen it happen) so later up, and often! I don’t want to hear “oh I don’t burn” or “it’s not sunny out!” – you still can get sun damage. You’ll thank yourself later when you’re not burned and have less wrinkles.
BONUS TIP: try a sunscreen that isn’t oily, and sinks into your skin. No one likes being suncreen-slippery.
4. PACE YOURSELF: This one is really important, listen to your body. Only you know your own limits. Slow down if you need to. Don’t be afraid to take a long lunch and sit down for a while. Your feet will thank you, and so will your body.
5. KNOW THE WARNING SIGNS: This is especially important for families with little ones who may not be able to verbalize how they’re feeling. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with he warnings signs of dehydration and heat stroke. If you catch it early enough- most symptoms can be resolved with water and rest.
Symptoms of Dyhydration: http://www.symptomfind.com/health/warning-signs-of-dehydration/
Symptoms of Heat Stroke: http://www.symptomfind.com/diseases-conditions/heat-stroke/
Don’t let your Disney stay be ruined by something that is completely preventable. Be safe, be smart, hydrate and wear sunscreen! Happy dazzling!

Jessica loves making friends and helping them. When she isn’t taking awesome photos on instagram, she’s writing on her blog (jessicaprell.com), acting, singing, or taking photos of coffee for Instagram (@littleprell). She enjoys boba milk tea, sarcastic hashtags, and a great face mask. It would make her happy if someone other than her Mom followed her on twitter- so please follow her too: @jessicaprell