Thousands of guests are now able to see World of Color – Celebrate! The Wonderful World of Walt Disney each night. As the water and effects light up the sky, it is incredibly easy to get caught up in the magic of it all and forget that behind every great magic trick, there is a magician. In the case of World of Color – Celebrate!, there are multiple magicians. Two of these magicians DAPs Magic had the opportunity to interview.
Imagineers Chuck Davis (technical director) and Jason Badger (fountain designer) share about the process of creating the magic that is seen in World of Color – Celebrate!. This has been a process that has been worked on for two years with new effects and new storytelling techniques. This includes a ‘water whip’ fountain, that was included as a part of this interview. They also talk about the creative process behind creating the storyline for World of Color – Celebrate!. Rather than read about what was said, hear about this process from the men who made it happen here:
Talking two these two Imagineers, it quickly becomes apparent that there is a lot of talent behind World of Color – Celebrate!, a lot of creativity, and a lot of passion. These are people who love what they do and they love making the magic happen. The way they are able to take an idea and then make it happen is nothing short of magical. Having watched this interview, now watch the World Premiere of World of Color – Celebrate!. Re-watching it after this interview definitely enhanced the experience for me. Let me know what you think after watching both the interview and World of Color – Celebrate!, does it come even more alive to you as it did for me?
Disney is in the magic making business. Disneyland’s 60th Diamond Anniversary Celebration truly is all about bringing magic to life for guests to experience daily. What is your favorite bit of magic in World of Color – Celebrate!?