One of the most anticipated movies of the year has to be Avengers: Age of Ultron, and it is in theaters now. In it, Captain America (Chris Evans), Iron Man ( Robert Downey Jr.), Thor ( Chris Hemsworth) the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) return to save the world. This time, the world needs saving from something of their own creation…
In an effort to make a safer world and bring peace to the Earth, Tony Stark attempts to use technology to create a technological peacekeeping force. As with all things in life, there are unintended consequences. The unintended consequences of Tony Stark’s attempts at technologically enforced world peace forces the Avengers into a new battle. It is a battle with a new foe that was created to be more effective than the Avengers themselves! To make matters worse, they find themselves up against two new foes that are super fast and can mess with their minds.
Ups and Downs
Avengers: Age of Ultron is an exciting and bumpy ride around the globe as the Avengers show their strengths and weaknesses. There was a LOT crammed into 2 hours and 21 minutes of movie. Here were some of my favorites:
- There were some incredibly funny lines and banter.
- The development of the characters and their relationships made for some interesting moments, both good and bad.
- A few surprises (ok, actually a lot) were thrown in along the way that is sure to make Marvel fans geek out.
- I think I could do an entire post on how #itsallconnected isn’t just a cool marketing ploy but at this point, it could almost be an academic discipline. There are connections everywhere in this movie and it is awesome!
- The conflict between characters who are trying to do what is right, each in their own way.
- I loved getting to know the Hulk, Hawkeye, and Black Widow a whole lot better in this movie with their more prominent roles in the movie. Oh, and then there is Vision… I’m a fan.
This movie simply has a LOT going on in a lot of different places. This could lead to a frustrating viewing experience for those who want to understand every aspect of every movie (as one of my family members does). There were a lot of details to keep up with but the good guys and the bad guys are fairly obvious. My biggest critiques of the movie would have to be these:
- Some battle scenes were just too much. They went a bit long and at points there were so many camera angles and quick switches that it was hard to tell what was happening.
- The plethora of subplots and characters makes it hard to really grasp everything that is going on and think about how #itallconnected. This is both a plus and a minus.
- I was not a fan of some of the digital animation. There were a couple points in the movie where I found myself raising my eyebrow. I won’t go in to details so that becomes all you see but… it was discussed in the theater following the movie.
Final Thoughts:
Avengers: Age of Ultron is definitely a worthy movie of the Marvel banner. Three things I ask myself when watching/reviewing a movie is a.) Was it fun and b.) Did it take me on an emotional journey and c.) Did it make me think? I am happy to report that yes, this is a fun movie. It also did take me on an emotional journey, not necessarily the one I thought it would take me on but it did nonetheless. Finally, it definitely did make me take pause and think… a lot. That could also be its own post. My one critique is that the movie goes all over the place. However, that critique is overpowered by the fact that it was an enjoyable movie that I want to go back and see a few more times and figure ALL those little details out. Marvel did its job with this movie and has really created the age of Marvel in the movies.
What did you think of Avengers: Age of Ultron?
Make it a GREAT day!
- Mr. DAPs