On this glorious windy day, the fourth pin of the 60th Anniversary Countdown Series was released. The purple diamond pin is 4 of 7 in the set and limited edition 3000. Guests lined up early in the Downtown Disney Parking lot in hopes of obtaining the pin. Those that were placed in line were handed a card with one of the dwarfs from Snow White. Several colored cards were issued as the line began to grow. Once wristband distribution began at 7 a.m., guests traded in their card for a wristband. From there, there were three options of wristbands, one for each store with the purple diamond pin. The only stores on resort property that sell this pin are Trolley Treats in DCA, Store Command in DL and Pin Traders in DTD. Though it was a windy and cold morning, many showed up including DAPs Magic writer @amanda_alva and friend @skmayor. The event was more organized that the last diamond pin release. Things ran smooth and efficient!! Upon exiting, it appeared that no more wristbands would be distributed except to those with a colored card containing a dwarf. The next diamond pin to be released is the yellow pin on May 14. #disneyland60 #disneypins #disneylandresort #diamondpin #pins #pintrading