Jurassic World Avengers - Geeks Corner - Episode 430

Jurassic World Avengers – Geeks Corner – Episode 430

Welcome to this week’s Geeks Corner! It’s the week of Spider-Goat!? Apparently, according to Johnny 5. This is the week of Avengers: Age of Ultron so there is a lot to talk about in the Marvel Cinematic  Universe. Disneyland also announced its lineup of events for the May 22nd it’s 60th Diamond Anniversary Celebration. The geeks chat about what they are most excited about. Jurassic World is coming… time to talk about the trailer and try to convince Hayley that she wants to see it? Finally, Hayley and Tyler went and saw Cinderella by Roger’s and Hammerstein. She shares a bit about her experience and what she thought. We hope you enjoy this week’s Geeks Corner!

Here is a look at some of the articles that were referenced in the episode:

Disney in the News

Geek News

Geeks Corner is filmed weekly at 9:30 pm pst and can be viewed at https://www.dapsmagic.com/geekscornerlive/

You can connect with the geeks on twitter at:

Mr. DAPs – @mrdaps
Johnny 5 – @j5daps
Hayley the Hatter – @hayleythehatter
DAPs Magic – @daps_magic

Let’s go to the corner!