The story of what happens between Star Wars: Return of the Jedi and Star Wars: The Force Awakens won’t just be eluded to in upcoming movies. It will be flushed out through at least 20 books that will take place during that gap. This comes from a story by Entertainment Weekly. Disney Worldwide Publishing has confirmed that the stories will answer many of the questions fans have asked for the last three decades about what happened to Luke, Leia, and Han Solo.
Disney Worldwide Publishing says:
The partnership with the story group and the editorial team always had to be true to the sanctity of the film while making sure that we find these moments to introduce hints, clues, and puzzle pieces. Without revealing what those pieces are, it will just allow readers to speculate about the new film: What could a location mean, or what could a character mean?
The books will have many Easter Eggs and connections with Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The series will be called Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The idea of having books fill in the gaps has been anticipated since Lucasfilm announced last year that previous books, comics, and video games would no longer be considered canon. It only seemed natural that this was to clear the story and make way for new stories that would fit into the bigger Star Wars story.
The books will be released by multiple authors and publishers and be aimed at different audiences. Not only will they tell the stories of what happened to the original trilogy characters in the thirty year gap after the trilogy, they will also tell stories of other original trilogy characters during that time period. Some of these events will be familiar but viewed from a different perspective.
Current titles that have been announced are as follows:
- Star Wars: Aftermath – a novel
- Star Wars: Journey to the Force Awakens, a Marvel Comics prequel
- A Marvel Comics prequel told from C-3PO’s perspective
- Star Wars: Ships of the Galaxy, printed by Studio Fun International
- Moving Target, a Princess Leia story by Cecil Castellucci
- The Weapon of a Jedi, a Luke Skywalker story by Jason Fry
- Lost Stars by Claudia Gray
- Smuggler’s Run, a Han Solo story by Greg Rucka
These books should help a whole new generation of fans connect with older fans and build momentum towards the release later this year of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
What do you think of Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens? Will you get any of these? Are they a good idea?
Make it a GREAT day!
- Mr. DAPs