Think of Star Wars and several characters always come to mind. Darth Vader, Princess Leia, Han Solo, oh… and Luke Skywalker. The last three of these characters will be appearing in the next Star Wars movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens. As anticipation, speculation, hype, and hopes gear up for this next film, Mark Hamill has some words of advice for Star Wars fans. Relax.
I wish people would just relax. We’re not trying to play games with people. We just want to maximize their experience at the movies where it should be seen and not have it leaked over the Internet. Believe me, it will be here before you know it. Forget about it, that’s my advice. Look forward to all the summer movies. I’m telling you, it’s just a movie. These people that build it up in their minds like it’s going to be the second coming of, I don’t know what — they’re bound to be disappointed.
These comments come from an interview Hamill did with the Los Angeles Times for his role in Kingsman: The Secret Service. He also said this:
It’s exciting from the standpoint that it’s the first of the movies in that universe that’s conceived and directed by the fan generation. We’ve never had that before. Now, Larry Kasdan is one of the old-timers like us, but the captain of the ship is J.J. Abrams and he was a fan of the series, which I find very interesting. They’re going to have an input into how things are done in a way that was impossible in the more autonomous period of George’s [Lucas] reign. I hope it’s a hit!
I sure hope it is a hit as well. And while Mark Hamill’s advice might be sound… it probably won’t be taken overly seriously. Because really… it’s STAR WARS! How can fans not anticipate, speculate, hype and hope for the finished products of this new generation of Star Wars movies. This is half the fun of the franchise! There will be discussions, there will be Geeks Corner episodes, Geeks Corner Reports, and many more blogs about the upcoming Star Wars movies as they get closer. Then there will be more discussions and blogs and youtube videos after. That’s half the fun of the game. Add in Luke Skywalker telling us to chill… and it’s just more sauce for the goose. This will be a fun adventure and I, for one, can’t wait to see Star Wars on the big screen again!
What are your thoughts on Mark Hamill’s advice?
Make it a GREAT day!
- Mr. DAPs