Elizabeth Kaltman of Walt Disney Studios Passes Away at Age 41

This past Saturday, Walt Disney Studios senior PR executive, Elizabeth Kaltman, passed away at her home at the age of 41. Over the past two years, she bravely battled colon cancer.


According to Variety, Kaltman started working for the Walt Disney Company back in 2011. Here she started as director of global communications. She previously worked as VP of communications at the Motion Picture Assn. of America.

Before her time at Disney, she held several positions with the City of Los Angeles. Kaltman was known for working as the communications director for Wendy Greuel. Also, she worked as a press aide for Mayor James K. Hahn.

Kaltman was also known for her work in Rob Reiner’s I Am Your Child foundation.

Elizabeth Kaltman will be missed. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family during this time.