During Disneyland’s Holiday Time I just can’t get enough of Sleeping Beauty’s Winter Castle at night. It is obviously pretty year round but… add the snow and those magical lights and it goes to the next level. The other night I wandered through the park with my camera and tripod in hand and stopped to take a picture of the castle.
The funny part about this is: if you stop to take a picture of the castle with a nice camera and tripod, people assume you can take pictures. They then ask you to take their picture…with their iPhone. I was more than happy to do this and I was quite pleased with how some of the pictures turned out. I will say this though, I easily took four pictures of other people for every one picture I took myself of the castle.
This photo was the most recent in my experimentation with HDR photography. I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out. Obviously there are things I learn each time I do this that I will try to improve upon for next time but that’s half the adventure, right? I hope you enjoy this picture of a beautiful castle on a beautiful night.
Make it a GREAT day!
- Mr. DAPs