Universal Pictures has released a teaser for the trailer that hasn’t been yet released for Jurassic World. The teaser harkens back to the original Jurassic Park and that horrifying moment just before the Tyrannosaurus Rex makes its appearance. In that moment, massive footsteps could be heard and the weight of those steps caused ripples in cups of water. Now the rippling water isn’t announcing the coming of the T-Rex but instead announcing the coming of a Jurassic World trailer.
The teaser was released on the Universal Pictures Brazil Facebook page with the statement: Something Big is Coming. According to a countdown on the Jurassic World website, the trailer will be coming in 7 days. If you haven’t checked out the Jurassic World website yet, I would highly encourage you to do so. It has updates about the movie but more interestingly, it brings the upcoming story to life as it looks like the website for a functioning Jurassic World.
Obviously there isn’t a lot to garner from this teaser for a trailer. It exists simply to build enthusiasm for next week’s trailer release… which it does fairly effectively I think. It is looking like Universal will be going all out to build up excitement for this movie and I can’t wait to watch the marketing machine really get into motion. This is on my must see movie list for next year and I can’t wait!
Colin Trevorrow directs Jurassic World, which is starring Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. It will be in theaters June 12, 2015.
What do you think?
Make it a GREAT day!
- Mr. DAPs