A Legend of Frontierland in Black and White

Legends of Frontierland Legends of Frontierland began last week and is in full swing now. This new immersive activity at the Disneyland Resort allows guests to not only experience the story of Frontierland, but also create it. Guests can do various tasks to earn bits (basically money) and then purchase land in Frontierland. They can choose to join the side of Frontierland or Rainbow Ridge. On Sunday, Hayley the Hatter (she makes bow ties!) and I both decided to be residents of Frontierland as we joined the Legends of Frontierland. This photo was taken towards the end of our adventure as this cowboy led a mob through Frontierland to buy land. They were loud. They were energetic. They were awesome. It was probably one of the most entertaining moments of the day for me. Enough so that we talked about it on Geeks Corner this week.

Have you experienced Legends of Frontierland yet? If so, what did you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Make it a GREAT day!

  • Mr. DAPs
