If you have never experienced the Magic of Maynard at Disneyland, you are missing out on a great experience. Maynard has been a Cast Member for years and truly enhances the Disneyland experience.
His costume is adorned with themed items making him a part of whatever attraction he happens to be working at. He has been found working all over the park delighting guests with his playful antics and characters as he plays the role of the ride. Here are a few examples of some his “characters.”

Tiki Maynard:
. Tiki Maynard hangs out in where else, the Tiki Room. If you are lucky enough to see him in this area, ask him if/when he is going to be hosting a show and then wait for him to be the host. While many hosts will simply direct you into your seats, Maynard’s enthusiasm makes for a truly unique experience. He not only shares the rules but instead gives a hilarious speech to cover the guidelines that will truly make you laugh. However that isn’t the best part! During the show when the birds sing “Let’s all sing like the birdies sing,” Maynard makes sure everyone gets into the actions and sings along. He dances all around the fountain as he encourages everyone to join in with the birds. Maynard loves pictures, so if you can get one with him next to the fountain, do it! Once I took a picture with him, and he had me Hula with him, and I had a backpack on, and he says “I’ve never seen someone do the Hula with a parachute before.”
Maynard the Jungle Skipper:
Maynard as a Jungle Cruise Skipper is really something else. His fun and crazy humor makes for an extremely entertaining trip through the jungles of Adventureland. Be sure to interact with him! Themore you interact, the more his imagination will spark and the funnier your trip will be! For those of you who frequent Disneyland regularly, get to know him and he will treat you to extra special/hilarious trips! .
Maynard’s Evil Twin:
There have been many rumors about Maynards “evil twin.” Yes, the rumors are true. Maynard has an evil twin who works on the Haunted Mansion. For an unforgetable Haunted Mansion experience, try to get into the stretching room with him. He is incredible as the room stretches…or maybe it is only your imagination…. My first experience meeting Maynard was inside the Haunted Mansion. He was friends with my then Cast Member boyfriend and was shocked to say the least when he broke out little finger puppets and they started talking to me… creepy, very creepy! After experiencing Maynard in the stretching room, it is easy to pick out Cast Members who have been trained by him.
These are the three places where I generally have seen Maynard in the past. He does, however, frequently work at the Opera House, Astro Orbiter, Honey I Shrunk The Audience, and crowd control for Fantasmic. Ask a Cast Member and generally they can tell if he is working that day, and if so, where… Make sure and say hello to him. He will always strike up a conversation about anything and everything. He will make definitely help make a Disney memory after a conversation with him. Don’t forget to take pictures! He is a wonderful addition to Disneyland!
Source: DAPs for Disney Magic Review – Anne-Marie Pringle