Tag: Gift Exchange

  • Geekmas Time is Here  – GEEKS CORNER – Episode #638

    Geekmas Time is Here  – GEEKS CORNER – Episode #638

    Welcome to the Geekmas of GEEKS CORNER! Every year, the Geeks take a night to celebrate the spirit of the season and just have a night of geeky fun. This year is no different. Throughout the course of the show there is music, there are puppets, some incredible Geekmas gifts, games, and more! This also…

  • Happy Holidays! Prep & Landing – Clips!!

    DAPs Magic Disney News – PRESS RELEASE In anticipation of Disney’s November 22nd release of Prep & Landing on DVD, check out these film and bonus clips that are sure to put you and your family in the holiday spirit! “Prepping The House” “Dash Away” “Gift Exchange” Prep & Landing – BONUS CLIPS! “Secret Mission” “Tiny’s Big Adventure”