The Neighbors: The Complete First Season – DVD Review by Mr. DAPs

Imagine moving into a neighborhood in New Jersey to find the neighbors… a bit different. They color coordinate. The speak in unison. They drive golf carts and move together. Oh yea, did I mention that when they clap their true identities as aliens are revealed? In The Neighbors, this is the situation that is set before the viewer in this single camera comedy. The Neighbors: The Complete First Season is now available on DVD as the second season begins to less than stellar ratings on television.

Picture & Sound:

The picture and sound for The Neighbors: The Complete First Season was about what one would expect. The picture was pretty good but not excellent. I don’t know if I’ve been spoiled by HD and DVD just doesn’t quite cut it anymore or if there were some minor issues in the process of converting to DVD. Whatever it was, it didn’t look QUITE as good as what I’m used to. The sound was also fine. I wouldn’t say it was great and I wouldn’t say it was horrible. This is what I’d expect for a sitcom. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone rave over the surround sound for a sitcom…although that would be pretty cool.

Bonus Features:

The Neighbors: The Complete First Season included just a couple of bonus features. The first is a gag reel that is… well a nice try I suppose. I personally dislike these as I’ve mentioned before. The second is a collection of deleted scenes. To sum it all up, I wouldn’t buy The Neighbors: The Complete First Season for the bonus features.

Final Thoughts:

I have mixed thoughts and feelings about The Neighbors: The Complete First Season. There are elements I enjoyed and others that I felt needed some help. It is worth watching but I’m not sure I would spend a lot of money on it. I would probably check it out on Netflix or DVR it first and then if you like it, buy it. I can see some of my friends really getting into this and some of it I really liked but… not enough for me to get super excited about it. I can definitely see potential for it to go somewhere depending on the direction it takes and how what kind of stories are told. If not, I really don’t see this show lasting for too long.